Friday, October 22, 2010

Soundtrack for Autumn

Autumn is always my favorite season, and it is especially beautiful in my beloved New Hampshire. So naturally, I need a soundtrack to accompany all the apple picking, pumpkin carving and jumping into piles of leaves. Don't worry, I'm not going to suggest "Monster Mash" songs (although who am I kidding? That song is awesome).

1. Halloween - AFI
Self-explanatory. The goth/punk/rock quartet's Misfits cover is the perfect way to get in the spooky mood.
2. Blood, Sex and Booze - Green Day
I know, I know - this is from the Green Day album that nobody liked. But I happen to love Warning, and for some reason, it always reminds me of fall. This may be because of the bright orange disc or maybe just because I used to listen to it while running for my high school field hockey team. But no matter the reason, give Warning a listen, because it is under appreciated for sure.
3. All I Ever Wanted (live) - The Airborne Toxic Event
I already reviewed The Airborne Toxic Event's brand new live album here. Long story short: it's beautiful. Do yourself a favor and listen to it now.
4. Cut - Jimmy Eat World
This song is fresh off the band's new album, Invented. I was a little confused about Jim Adkins singing about a boy at first, although in this Absolute Punk interview, he says he wrote from other peoples' perspectives. The one thing I do know is that I adore this song.
5. Bird of the Summer - A Fine Frenzy
I live in the prettiest place ever.
I know "summer" is in the title, but don't worry. The entire album (Bomb in a Birdcage) is actually perfect for fall, but this one has lyrics like "The leaves changed their colors and the schoolyards were filled / My coat with the patches barely keeps out the chill." See also: "Elements" and "Happier" and pretty much every AFF song ever.
6. Roslyn - Bon Iver
Yeah okay, this song was on the latest Twilight soundtrack. Damn those movies for having great music! But the haunting melody and soft vocals will linger long past the end of the song, and you'll be glad you gave it a chance.
7. Dust Bowl Dance - Mumford and Sons
Another album chock full of great fall songs. Set up a bonfire and get folky with these Brits.
8. Read My Mind - Amory Sivertson
My friend Amory makes lovely music. I reviewed her CD a few months ago, and you should check it out because it will have you frolicking about in no time.
9. Summer Skin - Death Cab for Cutie
Another song with "summer" in the title, but it's actually about summer ending. Yeah, it's a little depressing but it's pretty, and that's all that matters.
10. Autumn Shade - The Vines
I totally forgot The Vines existed until I did a search for "autumn" in my iTunes. Good jam though.
11. Just For Once - Midnight Youth
I adore this band and not just because they are from New Zealand (although I will admit, being a Kiwi automatically makes me like you a little more). This is their brand new single and I was planning to promote it before I even heard it. So how convenient that they sing about the "first sign of autumn leaves." Thanks, guys.
12. Under The Milky Way - The Church
I first discovered this song via the Donnie Darko soundtrack. The movie takes place throughout the month of October and climaxes on Halloween night. Seems appropriate. It's also just a slightly spooky classic 80s song.
13. Red Star - Third Eye Blind
Every mix I make has a 3eb song on it. Get over it.

When I'm not busy rockin' out, I'm making awesome pumpkins like this.


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