Friday, December 17, 2010

Don't even get me started on how much I hate "Wonderful Christmas Time."

Department store Christmas music generally makes me want to rip my ears off. Don't get me wrong - I love the holidays, and some of the traditional tunes blaring through the mall speaker system are fun at first. But there comes a point, usually about a week after Thanksgiving, where I've already heard "Jingle Bell Rock" 753 times and I just can't take it anymore.

Nsync's Christmas album is the exception to this rule, obviously.
So instead, I've spent the last five years compiling a playlist of Christmas cover songs recorded by bands that I actually like. Here are my absolute favorites, with a few accompanying videos thrown in:

1. Christmas - Death Cab For Cutie
2. Holly Jolly Christmas - The Format
3. Christmas Is All Around - Billy Mack:

(Bad quality but yes, this is that song from Love Actually, my favorite Christmas movie).

4. Christmas Celebration - Weezer
5. Last Christmas - Jimmy Eat World
6. Frosty The Snowman - Fiona Apple
7. O Holy Night - Reign of Kindo
8. Happy Christmas (War Is Over) - Acceptance
9. Another Christmas Song - Stephen Colbert:
This video is weird and irrelevant but the song is fantastic.

10. Don't Let The Bells End - The Darkness
11 & 12. What's This? / Making Christmas - Danny Elfman
13. Get Your Dreidle On - Incubus
14. Things I Want - Sum 41 and Tenacious D
15. Christmas Song - Gunther and the Sunshine Girls:

This guy takes is probably the most unintentionally hilarious man in the world. Watch this video and your life will be complete.

16. Christmas and Me Are Through - Your Vegas
17. Red Ribbon Foxes - A Fine Frenzy
18. Salvation - The Honorary Title
19. Last Christmas - Florence and the Machine
20. Christmas Lights - Coldplay:
I'm not always the biggest Coldplay fan, but this song is perfect for a snowy night. Plus the video is just pretty.

21. The Lights and Buzz - Jack's Mannequin
22. I Won't Be Home For Christmas - Blink 182
23. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays - Nsync:


Love, Chrisanne and Snoop


  1. i think Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays should be NUMBER 1 ON YOUR LIST

    but this is a good list!! i don't have some of these songs, but the ones I do have I also love so GREAT CHOICES

  2. See, I understand this logic but in fact, I saved the best for last! The grand finale, if you will.

    You should totally download all the songs you don't have because obviously I have fantastic taste in music.


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