Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Artist of the Week: Cee Lo Green

Yet another one of my New Year's Resolutions is to listen to more new music. At least once a week, I am going to listen to either an artist I've never heard before, or a particular album that I've never gotten around to checking out. I would appreciate any recommendations from my fine followers, by the way. Just tell me who you are loving right now, even if you aren't sure if I've heard of them before.

Anyway, let's get to the point. I am embarrassed it took me this long to actually listen to Cee Lo's The Lady Killer (released in November 2010). Obviously I knew the gigantic summertime single "Fuck You," but it wasn't until yesterday's snow storm that I decided it was time to get a little groovy.

I'm so glad I finally did. This post is short because I am not going to pretend I know much about R&B, but I will say that this album is damn catchy, and I seriously regret not checking it out sooner.

Favorite tracks (so far): "Bright Lights Bigger City," "Fuck You," "Love Gun" and the Band of Horses cover, "No One's Gonna Love You"

1 comment:

  1. if you haven't listened to kanye's new album yet, you definitely should!


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