Friday, November 18, 2011

Is this real life?

Last week, I actually got to interview Mikel Jollett, the lead singer for one of my favorite bands, The Airborne Toxic Event. Mikel regaled me with tales of being raised by wolves and blowing up pianos. Great interview or GREATEST interview?

Here's a little sample of the completed article, and you can follow the link to read the entire piece.

Interview: Airborne Toxic Event frontman Mikel Jollett 
By Chrisanne Grise 

After touring almost non-stop for the past few
years, the members of The Airborne Toxic Event are understandably worn out, but that does not stop frontman Mikel Jollett from goofing around during interviews.

“Wouldn’t it be great if I gave you a bunch of misinformation and stuck with it?” he said, before launching into an epic (and made up) tale of bonding over music in Bangladesh with drummer Daren Taylor. Then, with barely a beat in-between, he switches angles: “I was raised by wolves. We would ritualistically and tribally chant every night before bed as a way of trying to further stay in touch with our roots. My introduction to rock ‘n roll – it makes sense if you think about it.”

The Los Angeles-based quintet is in the middle of yet another tour promoting their second full-length album, “All At Once,” and there is no rest in sight. As one of the hardest working groups in the current rock scene, fans have gotten used to seeing Jollett and his band mates roll through town every few months. But despite being away from home so often, the group still manages to retain that sense of humor and passion for music, no matter what.
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