Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Don't mind me, I'm just guerrilla hyping on the low

Last week, I got an email from Shia LaBeouf. (Now there’s a sentence I never thought I’d write). The message said that he had directed a music video and needed my help promoting it. Naturally, I assumed it was spam at first. But then I realized that the Twitter account he mentioned was actually verified, and yes, he did actually direct a brand new music video.

Now, the song (“Haunted Love” by Future Unlimited) is not really my style, and the video features a burning baby and a bathtub full of bloody water. So normally, I would have passed over the email and moved onto something else. But Shia desperately needed me: “im trying to guerrilla hype it on the low by pre showing it to a select group of tasty people i think can help,” he pleaded with me. Shia LaBeouf thinks I’m tasty, you guys. All right, fine. How can I say no to such a compliment?

So here you go:

Any other celebrities need some help with their guerrilla hyping? I’m totally your girl.


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