Monday, September 21, 2015

Band I'm loving right now: Finish Ticket

Lately, I've been really into Finish Ticket, an indie band with lots of catchy melodies and Young the Giant-style vocals. On the recommendation of one of my contacts for AbsolutePunk, I went to Spotify to check out their 2014 album, Tears You Apart, and fell in love on first listen. And earlier this month, they released an EP called When Night Becomes Day. I'm still getting to know that one, but I can tell I'm going to be playing it a lot over the next few weeks.

Finish Ticket is currently on tour with twenty one pilots and Echosmith, and I was lucky enough to catch their set last week at the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC. They seriously blew me away. Over the years, I've endured hundreds of opening bands, and honestly, I've probably gone on to become a real fan of about maybe five of them (a sad truth of concert-going). But I am happy to report that Finish Ticket is joining that list. Despite being the first band of the night, they got the crowd cheering and rocking out quickly. I'm looking forward to seeing them again someday soon.

Check out the band's music here. Enjoy!

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