Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Favorite Albums of 2013

Yes, I’m still alive. Sorry about the unplanned hiatus, but I got promoted at work (yay!) and my new position has been keeping me busy. Then there’s Christmas shopping and all those holiday parties, so I haven’t had much free time lately.

But the end of the year is approaching, so I had to create my list of favorite albums from 2013. Usually, this is a fun recap for me to look back on the past 12 months and reflect on all the great music that has come out. But as I assembled this year’s list, I felt mostly depressed at the pathetic number of albums I had to work with. Granted, I really did love all the music that I put on this list, but there weren’t nearly as many of them as there usually are. Did I miss lots of incredible releases, or were my favorite artists just slacking this year? Maybe I need to check in with my fellow music bloggers for recommendations.

Anyway, I’m going to assume that I loved the following albums so much that I just couldn’t bear to stop listening to them to find more new music. Here it goes:

Sons of the Sea - Sons of the Sea
I didn’t put this list in any particular order, but if I had to choose a number one record, I’d go with Brandon Boyd’s latest effort. I blog about him all the time, so you all know how obsessed I am with everything he does. Sons of the Sea sounds like summer, and it’s been keeping me warm all through the fall.

Such Hot Blood - The Airborne Toxic Event
This album grew on me a lot. And the bonus track, “The Way Home” is simply gorgeous.

The Hurry and the Harm - City and Colour
This summer, I saw Dallas Green perform outdoors in Central Park. It was a perfect setting for such beautiful music.

Burials - AFI 
Sing the Sorrow (the first AFI album I got into) turned 10 this year. Yup, a decade later and I’m still worshipping Davey Havok.

The Pop Underground EP - Andrew McMahon 
Also back in 2003, Something Corporate was the opener at my very first concert. Listening to Andrew McMahon’s solo work takes me on a magical journey back to that night. (Plus, these four songs are just so catchy!)

Guilty Pleas EP - Night Terrors of 1927 
I still miss The Honorary Title so much, but this EP helped fill the Jarrod Gorbel-shaped hole in my heart.

Paramore - Paramore 
I never really got into the band’s last release, brand new eyes, but the new self-titled album made me fall in love with Paramore all over again.

Save Rock and Roll - Fall Out Boy 
Similar to Paramore, I never really spent much time with the last few Fall Out Boy records. That’s not because I’m a snob -- I never bother to hide how much I love a good pop-punk tune. I was always more attached to the earlier albums that I listened to non-stop in high school. But this new album makes me want to start a dance party in my cubicle every time I listen to it at work.

Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action - Franz Ferdinand
Oh Franz Ferdinand, it’s been too long. I’m so glad you boys have returned.

What were your favorite albums this year?

1 comment:

  1. I've heard good things about lots of those! I keep meaning to check them out and I keep forgetting. (Guess I found my New Years Resolution!) I did see Dave Hause open for The Gaslight Anthem this fall, and he was great. Thanks for the recommendations!


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