Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Album stream: Blue Sunshine by U.S. Royalty

Today is an exciting day: I got to listen to my first anticipated album of the new year! I’ve been a fan of U.S. Royalty ever since I saw them open for Third Eye Blind a few years ago. Their debut album Mirrors never fails to make it feel like summer for me, no matter what the weather is actually like outside. It's just one of those records I never get sick of.

So naturally, when the band announced that they’re streaming their upcoming release, Blue Sunshine, a week early, I rushed to check it out. I’m only two listens in, but I’m really enjoying it so far. It’s still got those warm vibes, which is exactly what I need to get me through this dreary January weather.

I was seriously impressed by the band when I saw them live a few years ago, so I can’t wait for tour dates to support this.

 Like what you hear? Get more info on U.S. Royalty and then pre-order Blue Sunshine.


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