Friday, April 16, 2010

Local musician launches Band Over Boston to promote fellow bands

I just wrote a story for Performer Magazine about Band Over Boston, this brand new project to promote local bands in Boston. The story won’t be published for a while, since we already sent the May issue to press. So I don’t want to post the article before it comes out, but I think Band Over Boston is an exciting idea, and since it just launched, I’ll write about it a little here to give you a preview.

Band Over Boston is a free, streaming library of local bands that works through iTunes. Right now, the library is only accessible through the In House Café in Allston, but it will be expanding to other cafés around the city. So basically, when a customer in one of those cafés opens iTunes, the Band Over Boston network will be available to listen to.

The project was created by Cullen Corley, a local musician in several bands including Kuuluuko and Electric Laser People. He told me how so many of his friends don’t even know that Boston has a music scene, so he wanted to change that. This is a way of sharing music, promoting good tunes and fostering a sense of community among local musicians.

Anyway, there will be more details about the creation of the project in the story, once it’s eventually published. But the library launched this week, so if you’re in the Boston area, you should go to Allston, check out the In House Café, and give the Band Over Boston library a listen. And be sure to keep checking back, because new music will continue to appear as Corley expands the project.

For more information, join the Band Over Boston group on Facebook. If you’re a musician and want to get involved in the project, email


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